For many critically ill people, medical cannabis seeds are the only cure for relieving pain and damping human suffering. Marijuana is simply necessary for medicine, it helps in the relief of many symptoms, such as AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, and is used as a painkiller and not only. Not many people know that cannabidiols are a major component of medical cannabis.
Cannabidiols relieve inflammation, anxiety, nausea, also inhibit the growth of cancer cells and many medical cannabis varieties are very useful for our body. Recent opiates have shown that cannabidiol can be as effective as atypical antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of schizophrenia. In 2007, it was reported that essential CBD oil reduces the growth of aggressive breast cancer cells and reduces their invasiveness. Thus, it turns out that medical marijuana is a non-toxic exogenous substance that can lead to a decrease in the regulation of tumor aggressiveness and also, CBD essential oil is a neuroprotective antioxidant.
The fact is that marijuana can be considered a medical-grade, that is, it has a therapeutic effect. If you use marijuana to improve your health, use medical marijuana. Many believe that medical varieties of marijuana should be minimal in their activity and that it should be grown organically, but these are strictly personal preferences. If the patient smokes stronger (with strong strains and with a high level of THC), then the general condition of the patient will improve faster.
Of course, organically growing marijuana without chemicals, fertilizers, pests and their excreta is also a good option for treating patients. If you still use medical marijuana, be careful, because of the contaminants that marijuana may contain, it can be quite dangerous to human health.
What is CBD essential oil?
CBD oil is extracted from different cannabis plants: some Cannabis sativa species, which have been replicated over the years to display unique characteristics.
The main intoxicating effect is due to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), but, in addition to it, other cannabinoids are also contained in hash gum (under 85 names in total), mainly cannabidiol. As already mentioned, only the TNS has a clear psychoactive component (however, cannabidiol, cannabigerol and cannabichromene also have a THS-like effect).
Moreover, in the percentage ratio, cannabidiol is the most abundant in cannabis. The action of CBD and THC partially overlaps. It enhances the action of anticonvulsants, increases the seizure threshold, has an inhibitory effect, reduces anxiety, removes all emotional ups and downs (both towards depression and towards mania).
TNS, on the contrary, accelerates anxiety, unpleasant arousal (if not lucky) or causes euphoria, animation and pleasant excitement (if lucky). That is, CBD nails, THC accelerates. In the drug, CBD is greater, but THC is more active, the final intoxication is obtained mainly from the balance of these compounds.
Cannabidiol is renowned for many health benefits and the oil is quickly becoming a popular supplement. But with all existing oils, it can be difficult for the consumer to choose the right oil according to his needs.
At Cibdol, we currently offer 3 oil assays: 2.5%, 4%, and 10%. In this article, we will look at some factors that should influence your dosage decision. Remember to keep them in mind when you buy your next lot of CBD Cibdol.
Professionals’ essential CBD tincture tests ensure that the product contains neither heavy metals nor pesticides. If there are lab test results available on a product’s website, it means that the manufacturer pays attention to quality and customer service.
How does CBD essential oil work?
The importance of naturally occurring cannabinoids for homeostasis is significant. If there is a lack of them in the body, Otha’s serious impact on health and mood. There are many types of research that have proved how important CBD infused oil is for normal body functions.
Exclusive endocannabinoid system travels throughout our body and has several receptors that bind to cannabinoids so that it can enter the bloodstream.
There are several mechanisms integrated into the endocannabinoid system:
- Enzymes present to create or destruct cannabinoids.
- Cannabinoids are received by the receptor sites in cells.
- Endocannabinoids occur naturally in the human body and are very similar to cannabinoids.
Communication within the body happens with the help of these mechanisms, they are regulating different biological responses.
The early studies revealed important questions about the body producing its own natural phytocannabinoids equivalents, such as CBD or THC, which the cannabis plant consists of. And the answer is that it does produce endocannabinoids anandamide and 2-AG. When such a thing was proved, people realized the importance of deconstructing the purpose they have.
Types and differences of CBD essential oil
Many people claim that extracts are the future. They are widely used in the production of cannabinoid-based medicines, as well as in cooking and for pure consumption.
Some of them can be prepared at home using improvised means, but special equipment and skills will be required to obtain a high-quality extract.
For the preparation of managa, you can use wild hemp, and the technology does not require strict compliance. Hemp is collected along with stems, leaves, inflorescences, and seeds, and then boiled in milk for several hours. Usually, craftsmen recommend choosing milk with a high percentage of fat content and cooking managa for at least 3 hours. The ratio of raw materials to liquids also depends on the “cook” and has no clear limitations.
When using managa and other products with THC, the effect occurs after 30–90 minutes, so you should start with small dosages to avoid unpleasant consequences.
CBD oil is most often required for baking psychoactive foods with THC. It can be prepared in both vegetable and butter, by digesting leaves and inflorescences. If you used butter, add a little water to it, and after several hours of cooking, squeeze the raw materials back into the pan through the cheesecloth, additionally rinsing with water. Then throw it away.
To separate the oil from the water, the mixture is frozen: the oil freezes and the water can be easily drained.
When eating food with THC, remember about the long entry and long-term effect (from 8 to 14 hours)
Before cannabis oil is often cooked. This process is called decarboxylation, during which some non-psychoactive cannabinoids are converted to THC. When smoking, this process occurs directly during smoldering.
Best CBD Essential Oils
- SpaRoom CBD Oil 3-Pack
- Edens Garden Cannabis Essential Oil
- Dr Adorable Cannabis Flower
How to use CBD essential oil?
When choosing a tincture, you should consider a number of factors, such as the concentration and ingredients of the product. CBD has various concentrations and carrier oils. Extraction methods, as well as quality, vary depending on where the plants are grown. Keep in mind that CBD oil is another term for describing tincture, which actually contains a mixture of the oil and other compounds, including carrier oils, essential oils, and additional cannabinoid oils. Regardless of the actual contents of your marijuana essential oil bottle, the product is intended for a dietary supplement.
Benefits of CBD essential oil

It is proven to help with weaning.
Many cannabis users have switched to CBD to stop inhaling THC.
It is also well known for its anti-stress effect, for being relaxing and possessing antidepressant properties.
People with schizophrenia and psychosis may be tempted to try CBD treatment.
The antiepileptic effect of CBD has been proven by the NYU Langone Health study, which reports that Epidiolex – a CBD-based drug, which significantly reduces epileptic seizures in people with this condition.
According to this study, the decrease in seizures would reach a very good score of 40%.
Don’t forget the antitumor effect, many women with breast cancer have seen the improvement using this treatment.
Indeed, this cannabinoid aims to eliminate damaged cells or victims of abnormality in order to replace them.
Effects of CBD essential oil
The Endocannabinoid system synthesizes endocannabinoids acting as neurotransmitters if any deviations from homeostasis happen in body functions.
Binoids interact with these receptors and transmit the information about changing the conditions to initiate a response, in order to help the body achieve homeostasis or balance, despite external influences.
CB1 and CB2 receptor variants can be found in the endocannabinoid system, they both respond in a different way to some cannabinoids. CB1 receptors bring benefits such as, for example:
- Decreased nausea
- Modulation of stress and anxiety
- Tumor inhibition
- Balance of the immune system
- Increased appetite
The cells of the immune system contain most of the CB2 receptors and they are meant to fight against tissue damage or inflammation. Though some cells in the body can even have both receptors types.
2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) and anandamide (AEA) are the main types of endocannabinoids:
2-AG fits perfectly within both CB1 and CB2 receptors, it can activate them and, more importantly, start stimulating a physiological response.
Even though anandamide also binds with both receptors and can even activate them, it can not provoke that much of a physiological response.
Binding to the above receptors mediates the effects of endocannabinoids:
- analgesic;
- antispasmodic;
- immunosuppressive;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antiallergic;
- sedative;
- normothymic;
- orexigenic;
- antiemetic;
- decrease in intraocular pressure;
- bronchodilation;
- neuroprotective;
- antitumor;
- antioxidant;
- tachycardia and dry mouth.
The degradation of anandamide and 2-AG occurs through the reuptake of endocannabinoids by the cell and their hydrolysis by enzymes: anandamide – by hydrolase of fatty acid amides, 2-AG – by monoacylglycerol-lipase.
2-AG can also be oxidized by cyclooxygenase-2 with the formation of biologically active glycerol esters of prostaglandins. Hyperactivation of the endocannabinoid system may be the link between obesity and its associated diseases. Hyperactivation of EX is found in both the hypothalamus and peripheral tissues, including the liver and adipose tissue.
Cannabinoids enhance the pleasure of eating by increasing the release of dopamine in NAc. The activation of VTA dopaminergic neurons is probably mediated by the action of endocannabinoids on CB1 receptors at glutamatergic terminals, which inhibit GABAergic neurons projecting from NAc to VTA and thereby inhibit dopaminergic neurons in VTA.
Taste sensations are processed in the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) and single pathway nucleus (NTS), where they are integrated with signals from the gastrointestinal tract. The processed information determines the amount of food absorbed and the intervals between its receptions. By stimulating CB1 receptors in PBN, endocannabinoids increase the absorption of palatable foods.
Side effects of CBD essential oil
To conclude, consuming CBD is not risky, the WHO said in 2017, it is not addictive and its tolerance is good.
The only side effects are not really dangers such as insomnia or sleep disorders, CBD oil essential tremor, nutrition, and some muscle stiffness.
There are many benefits and few risks. Indeed, it is consumable in different ways and tastes may vary. It can help to treat patients with certain conditions. Devoid of any psychoactive substance like THC, CBD is not a drug, has no psychoactive effect. The French company is trying to lift the legislative vagueness but it remains complicated because our government wants a framed use.

Why create a drug-free substance?
The task was set back in 1961 since hemp was a forbidden culture, and in order to maintain production, it was necessary to create drug-free varieties.
Is cannabis depressing?
Studies say that among people regularly smoking marijuana, the frequency of depressive episodes is 4-6 times higher. Other studies say no, it’s the exact opposite, they are depressive people who smoke weed as an antidepressant, so this does not show any connection between depression and marijuana.
Scientists agree that cannabis medicines cannot be called absolutely safe: for example, 10% THC is proleptic, and “improper” cannabis treatment can be detrimental to patients with cardiovascular disease. But here, doctors must find out: to whom, in what doses, with the predominance of which substances cannabis can help. And it is definitely worth listening to the international medical community, where specialists already have a positive experience in treating serious illnesses with the help of this plant.